Thursday, November 30, 2017

Aubrey 24 Months!!!

And just like that, we woke up, and our baby is 2 years old. TWO!!! How this happened so quickly I will never know.  This last year has been a true joy with Aubrey Lynn. She is silly, spunky, funny, loves to entertain and make people laugh, sweet, cuddly, loving, loves to wrestle daddy and sister, and has a temper like the best of them.  She is talking up a storm, and forming sentences that we can't believe!  She loves being active, jumping on and off of things that gives Mama a heart attack, and just being crazy in general. She's our little Schwee Schwee, Schwezie, Aubee Lynnzer, and Aubee Aubster! We couldn't imagine life without you!

Happy, happy 24 months Aubrey Lynn!

24 Month Highlights:
-You, Isabella, and DL started a tumbling class this month which was chaotic (1 teacher, a bunch of equipment, and tons of toddlers running around!), but also fun. You guys got a ton of energy out, and took a great nap afterwards so there's a bonus! 

-We went to a friend's 4th birthday party, donut themed. It's safe to say you and sister both had a blast. Luckily, for Mama, you took a bite of the donut that Bella made with chocolate frosting, and said "Aubee no like this" and proceeded to eat a squeezie instead. 

-We celebrated DL turning 3 with a Pancakes and Pajama party which was fun! The gift hightlight of the night was a cheap, small baby bottle. But my oh my how you and all the other little ladies loved that thing!

-Oh the era of awkward toddler photos has officially begun. I tell you to smile pretty and this is generally what I get. Every. Time!

Oh, the morning we went out to brunch and your hair was unfortunate, and then you ate like a crazy child : )

-You LOVE being outside, and while I haven't been able to get a good picture of it, you are really good on a scooter!  I am amazed at how tiny you are, and yet how easily you maneuver it, and how fast you can go!  You may or may not have beaten the bigger girls in a race or two!

-The week of Thanksgiving we put up our tree. This was a momentous moment for Mama who has classically refused to do anything Christmas related AT ALL before Thanksgiving is over. And yet, here we were, the weekend before Thanksgiving and Bella kept asking for a tree, so we got it up. I have to say, we've watched way more Christmas movies, listened to more Christmas music, and just been in Christmas cheer so much this year, and it's been a blast!

-We finished out the month with one last gymnastics class. Out of the 4 weeks, class was cancelled on the week of Thanksgiving, and both little Lerma ladies only got to go to 2 together bc Bella was sick one week. Overall, it was fun, but maybe not the best timing.

-You love being outside, and definitely don't mind getting dirty (unlike your sister!). You both helped Mimi plant tulips by our bridge. Mama can't wait to see them bloom in the spring!

-The house next door has broken ground, and you LOVE watching all the trucks and equipment do their thing! Mimi took you guys out here exploring one day, and you both kept saying "wow, huge!" It will be fun watching the house go up over the next half year or so!

Sleeping: We generally go upstairs for bedtime around 7:15, and you are in bed by 7:45 or 8pm. We have continued to do combined bedtime routine of rocking, reading, singing a few songs, and praying. Then you get your 1 on 1 time with daddy or mama to finish you milk, snuggle, and sing another song or two. Then you love to get in your crib and get kissed by all your animals (which include pink bear, brown bear, little bear, lambie, other lambie, puppy ("no mama, doggy!"), face, snoopy dog, and dolly!). You generally sleep until about 7 or 7:30 and we get you out of bed around 8am (on good days, when we're lucky!). 

You nap for an average of 1.5 hrs a day, usually from 1:30 til 3, or 2 til 3:30 or so.  You wake up crying almost EVERY single day! Still can't figure out how to get you to wake up happy! And then there are still plenty of days where you're done after 45 minutes or an hour. 

Eating: Picky is your middle name. Favorites this month: Ham, turkey bacon, duckies, cheese, strawberries, coldee nani's (frozen bananas), quinoa/rice blend, and even though we don't eat them often, I can guarantee you can throw down a nitrite free hot dog or two when we do bonfires!! And I can now get you to eat sweet potatoes and lima beans (although you eat the middle part and spit out the skin)...sometimes! Hey, mama will take it!

Aubrey Loves:
-Being outside, running around, playing on scooters

-Going to the park, swings, slides
-Mimi! What a Mimi's girl she is!
-Being independent and doing things ALL by yourself! "No Aubee do it!"
-Reading books
-Singing, favorites include You are My Sunshine, Jingle Bells, Frosty the Snowman, Tell me Why, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Twinkle Twinkle, Old McDonald Had a Farm
-"Shows", Super Why, Justin Time, silly songs, Ruff Ruff Tweet and Dave, Word Party

Aubrey Hates:
-Getting help to do anything!

24 Month Stats:
Height: 34 in (approx 55th percentile)

Weight: 23 lb 12 oz (approx 15th percentile)

Teeth: no new teeth this month, still waiting on all four 2 year molars. 

Wearing size 18 mo jammies and pants (2T just slide right off you!), otherwise 24mo/2T shirts and some outfits. Size 3 diapers at night. Size 4 or 5 shoes depending on the brand. 

Monday, November 20, 2017

6 Week Bumpdate v.3.0!

Third times a charm!
Family of Five!
Cherry on Top!

I could keep on going with sayings that would represent our Little Lerma #3!!!!

And I'm just so excited to be here, again. Blessed with being pregnant, and a Mama for the third time!

I found out I was pregnant while Jon was away on a business trip, and honestly just took the pregnancy test so that I could drink wine again that night. I had a suspicion that something was up though because I felt weirdly crampy in ways that I remembered with Aubrey, my boobs were very sore, and I was just more exhausted than normal. 

So I peed on the stick, and I glanced back at it about a minute later. It was negative, so I set it down and went about doing a few other things, thinking that was that. About 5 minutes later, I went to throw it in the trashcan and there was a definite second line. No questions asked. My heart literally started pounding and I was excited and nervous at the same time. 

I wanted to call Jon right away, but thought it probably was much bigger news than he should handle being away on a stressful business trip. So I had to keep that little baby bean secret all to myself for the next 4 days. Torture!!

We hadn't been "trying" to get pregnant, but it was something we were praying about, and certainly weren't protecting. So for it to happen in the timing that it did, just felt like an answered prayer.  

While I know our lives are certainly going to be so different as a family of 5, we can't wait to see what is in store for this Little Lerma!

How Big is Baby: The size of a lentil
Mound of brown lentils on white parchment paper

Weight Gain: I'm hoping to gain around 15 lbs this pregnancy since I'm starting 16 lbs above my pre-pregnancy starting weight (before Bella!), AKA about 16 lbs over a healthy weight for me. Luckily, we recently did Whole 30 and I lost 10 lbs, so that will help, and as of now, I haven't gained any of it back. We shall see.  

Workouts: Wow, finding out I was pregnant at exactly 4 weeks was a huge kick in my butt to get moving. I hadn't worked out in about 6 weeks prior, but really was/am motivated to lead a very healthy pregnancy this time around. Either way, week 4 I did a kettle bell workout, lifted weights once, did yoga once, and went for a short but hilly 1.5 mile run. Week 5 I did yoga, a HIIT pregnancy workout, and kettle bell workout.

Maternity Clothes: Other than craving to be in anything and everything that is flowy and super soft and comfy, nope.

Belly Button: Innie

Sleep: Oh man, this has been a bit rough lately. I have been ready for bed as soon as we put the girls down at 7:30 or 8pm, and am usually falling asleep at 9 most nights. But then I wake up in the middle of the night, usually around 1 or 2 and have such a hard time going back to sleep. Then I wake up again at 5:30 or 6am and am up for the day. By the time afternoon comes I'm just dragging. I was able to take a nap twice so far, and usually only about 20 minutes each time, but that helped a lot! Yup, I know I'm preggo when I'm napping!!

Cravings: Nothing specific yet, but when I get hungry I get HUNGRY!!! And whatever it is I'm making sounds like the best thing ever created. Like the left over chili I ate 4 times last week. Just normal every day chili, but I couldn't get enough!

Aversions: There are times when chicken or beef make me a bit queasy thinking about it, but I eat it and do just fine. So no total aversions just yet. 

What I Missed: Luckily we had sushi a few nights before I found out I was pregnant, but I still miss it!  Also I missed having a cold beer at our bonfire last weekend, and wine, like every night. Se la vie!

Symptoms: Mild, intermittent nausea most days, but really it's been not bad at all. Last Sunday (right at 6 weeks) I was so nauseous I was dry heaving but it wasn't anything terribly long lasting. Otherwise it's been completely manageable, and I'm usually able to breathe through it. Or eat, and that helps a ton! Also have been pretty crampy (mostly in week 5) which freaks me out, but I keep reminding myself I had the same thing with A's pregnancy, and it chills me out a bit. And exhaustion. Oh the can't keep my eyes open and it's only 7pm exhaustion!

Movement: Way too early

Gender: I stink at the guessing game. Clearly I've been wrong 100% of the time. I'd say boy again this time, but I'm probably gonna be wrong. I'm grateful though that I can genuinely say I'd be thrilled for a boy or girl this time around. Three girls all close in age would be fantastic (not to mention we have all things girl around here!) But being a boy mom would be different and fun too. So either way, I will be one happy Mama. Gender disappointment is a real thing, and I'm super grateful that I have no expectations this time around. 

Best Moment this Week: Confirming I'm not crazy, and indeed am actually pregnant at the MD. AKA their stick that I peed on told me I was preggo too: ) I had this fear that I'd go in and they would say I wasn't actually pregnant, and we needed to investigate what medical problem I had to make my period 10 days late!

Worst Moment this Week: Having to hide being pregnant from my family and our best friends!!! HATE that!  We want to tell them in a special way, and this week was not it!

What I am Looking Forward to: Getting to see our little one on US in a few weeks (scheduled for 9 weeks, 1 day)! Oh that's just the best!!!