Monday, May 22, 2017

Isabella 35 Months!

In just 1 month, I will have a 3 year old. That blows my mind.  Seriously!

Happy 35 Months Isabella Rae!

35 Month Highlights:
-If you got something from your Daddy (and you got many things from him!), it's his passion for chilling. Your dream day would probably consist of cuddling up in bed or on the couch, watching a marathon of cartoons.

-We went to the park at least twice a week this month, and you absolutely love it. Your favorite thing to do is climb up "climbers" (AKA ladders or stairs) and go down the "big slides". 


-We had quite a bit of rain this month, and you loved going out and dancing and splashing in the puddles when we could!

-You are silly and love to make us laugh!  I love how goofy you are and how much you just love to have fun with other people!  

-We also spent a good amount of time on our back deck in the afternoons because it's nice and shaded. We love eating dinner out there, or just dancing around and having fun.

Not sure what you call this dance move, but it was a good one : )

Sleeping: We aim to take you up to bed at 7pm with the intention to leave your room around 7:30 or so, but lately with a busy schedule we have been going up a little later, and leaving your room around 8pm. You then play quietly in your room with lights off until about 9pm, and you get back in bed, tuck yourself in and go to sleep. It still amazes me that you do that! You usually sleep til 7:30 or sometimes 8, and we have your alarm clock light set to go on at 8am, so if you wake up before the light is on, you play quietly til we come get you. Yes, I know we are very lucky with all of this!

You nap from 1 til 3 or 4 as well. You didn't nap once or twice this month, but just played in your room instead, but I don't think you are anywhere close to dropping the nap anytime soon.

Eating: You are a great eater. Favorites this month: strawberries, blackberries, mangoes, eggs and toast, PB &J, chocolate PB banana smoothies, squeezies, greek yogurt. You do a good job eating broccoli and green beans when I am wanting you to eat "green stuff", and certainly you will eat spinach when I mix it into things.

Isabella Loves:
-Dancing and "twirling" everywhere you go!
-Eating good food "Mmmmmm...." all the time!
-Running and playing outside
-Parks, especially slides
-Angelina Ballerina and Doc McStuffins
-Coloring with colored pencils
-Going to restaurants 
-"Bike" rides (AKA mama pushing her on the bike)

Isabella Hates:
-Not being able to do something independently
-Getting dirty or dropping food on yourself
35 Month Stats:
Height: 38.5 in (about 80th percentile)

Weight: 32.5 lbs (about 70th percentile)

Wearing 3T clothes, and some 2T things from last summer. 

Shoe Size: 6.5 or 7

Teeth:  Still waiting on the last molar to pop through on the bottom right, otherwise they are all in!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Aubrey 17 Months!

I can't believe that you are now the age that Isabella was when we had you! I can't even fathom throwing another baby into this mix, and while there are many days I feel like you are older than Bella was at this age, you are still a baby to me in many ways!! 

YOU don't think you are a baby though, and make that known to everyone around you! You have quite the big (and loud) personality and can screech with the best of them if the big girls are doing something you don't like.  It's fun to watch the little one hold her own with the bigger crowd, and if there is anyone tackling other's, you are always on top : ) I love you my big little nugget!

Happy 17 Months Aubrey Lynn!!

17 Month Highlights:
 -We celebrated Easter which was fun. We went to a neighborhood party in Mimi's neighborhood (but she was too sick to go). You were NOT a fan of the life sized Bunny, but did enjoy the egg hunt (although you didn't really get it). You got a little easter basket filled with eggs that had stickers in them, and a light up bunny wand which you were mesmerized by.

-Bathtime is one of your favorite times and you crack us up! Such a little ham.

 You also LOVE shaking and pretending to be cold when we get you out so we can give you extra snuggles and cuddles with the towel. You just giggle and cute!!
-On Saturday mornings we like to have breakfast in bed, and let you guys just run around our room so we can stay in bed a little bit longer.  We usually put on a kids cooking show or something you both will semi-like and we can put up with. You love to sit at the end of the bed with pillows, and snuggle Bella's teal bear : ) Our sweet girl! 

-You love wresting Isabella, and pretty much win every time. I don't know if it's b/c Bella just thinks its funny to have to jump on top of her or what, but you two just laugh and laugh!

-We play outside quite a bit b/c the weather has been gorgeous, and you are in your happy place when you are outside. You could be having a rough, fussy morning, and as soon as we go outside you are content! You and Bella love to play ring around the rosie, run around the driveway, and your new favorite is drawing and eating chalk. 

I was watering the flowers out front one day, and looked up to see you leading Bella on a neighborhood walk. Lovely! You guys are fast!

-We took a (killer!) run to Sims Lake Park to let you, Bella and DL play, and you just love going down the slides on Mama's lap. You still aren't sure about the big slides when we send you down by yourself, but if you are on my lap, you giggle the whole way down and run back to the stairs to do it all over again!
Ignore the super red was like 90 degrees and a hilly run with the double stroller!

-You also started to grasp the concept of taking pictures this month so now every time I whip out the phone you say "Cheezzzz"! It's super cute, and although it results in this half smile, half talking picture every time (see picture above), I'll take it b/c you are much more cooperative with pictures than other kids I know. Ahem : )

Sleeping: Bedtime is sometime around 7:15/7:30. In the past 2 weeks we started a combined routine with you and Bella so that Mama and Daddy could tag team (and perhaps work out some bedtime issues Bella was having...more on that in her next blog). Either way, we go up around 7 to get on jammies, brush teeth, read a book or 2, and sing a few songs while you drink some milk (all done in Bella's room).  We then take you to your room to rock and sing one last good night song Mama made up, and then you go right down.  You usually sleep until 7am, and we keep you in the crib til you cry which is usually 7:30, 7:45 on a good day.

You nap once a day now and while you are getting so much better at this, you still hit some rough patches around 10:30 some mornings.  Either way, you go down at 1 and sleep about 2 hours. 

Eating: Oh man are you the picky eater. You won't eat oatmeal in the morning, occasionally with take some cheerios, but otherwise it is strike out after strike out in the mornings with you. Actually, most meals are this way. Things you do love (most days!) - runny eggs, squeezies (but only one flavor!), avacado, black beans, strawberries, cheese, cheerios and goldfish. Outside of this list there are plenty of things I try to feed you but they mostly end up on the ground, or an occasional swallow.  You even have become resistant to most fruits you used to love (blackberries, raspberries). And vegetables...oh boy, even sweet potatoes end up on the ground. Anything green...yeah right!!! We have also been trying to give you some supplemental Pediasure to gain weight since you've cut back on so many other foods, and based on your weight this month, looks like it helped a bit!

Aubrey Loves:
-Singing, dancing, listening to music
-Favorite songs: Baa Baa Black Sheep and Twinkle Twinkle (over and over!)
-Doing whatever Isabella is doing
-Going to parks, running around outside
-Swimming, playing in mini pool or water buckets
-Playing dress up
-Chasing Bella or tackling her and wrestling
-Playing "tea party" - you love pretending it's hot and blowing on the teacups
-Spinning in circles or doing your "foot dance" 
-Taking baths

Aubrey Hates:
-Having things taken from her
-Her is all out fits and screaming most days. Epitomizes your "Angry Elf" nickname!

17 Month Stats:
-Height: 30 in (approx 15th percentile)

-Weight: 21 lbs (about 10th percentile)

-Teeth: You got 2 new teeth this month, and 2 more are JUST about ready to pop through. Total - 4 molars (one on each side, top and bottom), 5 top teeth, 5 bottom teeth.

*Wearing size 3 diapers

*Wearing a wide variety of 9 month - 18 month things