There's not a chalkboard this week since I'm spending time with la familia in Georgia...and I'm going to bypass the picture too because I don't think much has changed with the bump (which really means I just don't feel like putting on makeup or getting out of my comfy sweats and big classy this lady is!).
So let's get right to it...the 14 Week Pregnancy Progress!
How Big is Baby? The size of a lemon!
Weight Gain? I've been out of town this week, so don't have my scale...oh bummer : )
Workouts this Week: What's a workout!?!? Seriously with the amount of hours I logged at work last week prior to visiting my family, I couldn't even fathom working out! I'll count the 4 super brisk 10 minute walks to and from work as my workout...ish!
Maternity Clothes? Still loving comfy, roomy clothes but don't need maternity yet
Belly Button (in or out)? In
Sleep: I've actually not gotten as much sleep this past week as I would have liked or needed. But I can catch up while I'm here in Georgia!
Cravings: Not really craving anything specifically, just trying to eat things that sound like they will stay down.
Aversions: Pick a food at any moment of the day and it'll likely end up on this's a constantly rotating list.
What I Missed: A nice glass of cabernet with holiday dinners...or thinking ahead to tonight, a glass of bubbly toasting in the New Year tonight (although a sparkling grape juice will do just fine!).
Symptoms: Overall the nausea and generalized exhaustion/body aches is getting so much better this week...I certainly have had my moments of gagging, but it's not the constant horrible nausea of weeks past. Otherwise, not much there (other than the small bump) to remind me I'm preggo.
Movement: Not yet, but getting so anxious to feel this!
Gender Prediction:*Dana- GIRL (I can't decide...I seriously have no intuition on this, although I've been leaning more towards girl this week!!) *Jon- GIRL
Best Moment of the Week: Being able to get out of town, force myself to relax, and spend time with my family...that, and opening Christmas gifts for Little Lerma was SO much fun. I can't wait to see the Little One in the holiday onesies next year and start reading those books to him or her!!
Worst Moment of the Week: The ridiculous amount of hours I had to put in at work to get out of town for this week...ugh, absolutely exhausting!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Continuing to relax and just catch up on things I normally don't have time for when I'm at home, while spending time with my family!